نادي الهندسة الكهربائية
لبناء شخصية هندسية متكاملة
Sensored Brushless DC Motor Driver Using Arduino
Graduation Project
Second Semester 2022
Published Date:
Wednesday 18 January 2023
High Speed brushless DC (BLDC) motors are commonly used in quad-copter rotors, drones, electrical scooters and in radio-controlled systems. Micro controllers are commonly used to control such BLDC motors. However, programming a micro controller requires understanding of an assembly language and the limited memory space available in a micro controller limits its use for various applications. Arduino is a microcontroller unit, which runs at 5V. It has wide applications in robotics and automation. In this work, the control of a BLDC motor using an Arduino is detailed. Programming is done using Arduino C language. PWM technique is adopted for programming to control the electronic speed controller which in turn activates BLDC with power from batteries. Brushless DC motors have some significant advantages over their competitors, such as brushed motors, largely because of electronic commutation. It allows the controller to switch the current promptly and thus regulate the motor’s characteristics effectively. In this project, we supplied a technical review for BLDC motor. This project is an explanation of the six steps for Sensored BLDC motor to complete an electrical cycle, how to control the motor speed, explanation of how the motor driver works using Arduino Uno, and the driver parts also a try to simulate on proteus program