نادي الهندسة الكهربائية
لبناء شخصية هندسية متكاملة
Remotely Controlled Firefighting Robot with ESP32-CAM Module
Graduation Project
Second Semester 2023
Published Date:
Friday 21 July 2023
Firefighting is one of the most dangerous professions due to its unsafe and constantly changing environment. Firefighters may be required to operate under conditions with a high level of uncertainty and must make time-critical decisions using insufficient information. Firefighting robots are specialized robots that are designed to assist with firefighting and rescue operations. These robots can be used to enter hazardous environments that may be too dangerous for human firefighters, such as buildings that are on fire or have collapsed. In this project, we propose a prototype for a remotely-controlled firefighting robot that is equipped with water pump. The robot uses WiFi based ESP32-CAM Module that will assist the firefighting and rescue operations by providing a video streaming from the fire environment. This will help the operator to make the correct decisions and movements to perform the firefighting task effectively. In addition, the camera module will provide the operator with an updated information on the environment conditions and will help searching for trapped people. Basically, the proposed firefighting robot prototype consists of: Driving system that allows the robot to move around, water pump for fire extinguishing, camera module, and a microcontroller.