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Optimizing Irrigation Efficiency with a Smart Sensor System
Inrtoduction to Graduation Project
First Semester 2023
Published Date:
Tuesday 31 January 2023

In the age of advanced technology and electronics, human life style should be smart, simple, easier and more convenient. Therefore, many automated systems are needed in the routine of human daily life to reduce their daily activities and functions. Here the idea of ​​a single system such as an automatic plant watering system is very useful. Where many people have a lot of trouble is watering garden plants, especially when they are away from home.
The smart irrigation system has the potential to revolutionize the way that irrigation is performed in modern agriculture. The system uses real-time sensor data to optimize irrigation and improve crop health, reducing water waste and increasing efficiency. The system is easy to use and intuitive, with an SMS alert system and an LCD panel for displaying real-time data and status information. The smart irrigation system has the potential to significantly improve crop health and water efficiency, and the project serves as a model for future research and development in this field.

Amjd Abu Omar
Husam Damairi
Qutadah Shanaa
Suliman Ismail
Electrical Engineering
Dr. Nabeel Al Tanneh
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