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Checkweigher Machine
Graduation Project
First Semester 2017
Published Date:
Friday 21 July 2023

Even though the technology developed with high accuracy and efficiency we still sometimes can find some defect product that reached the end user. So that, there is a need to solve this issue to reduce the probability of this error and minimize the number of defected products. In general the probability of error means defect product and the high probability of error means an increase in the number of defect product. Sometimes the probability of error can be increased because of different reasons, for example in 2016 Mars company one of the biggest chocolate makers in the world forced to recall there product from 55 countries because they found a little pieces of plastic in their products. This scenario could happen at any stage of the production process. There are many reasons that increase the probability of errors, for example it can be due to human fault or failure in a machine that had not been noticed for a while. High probability of error increases number of products that not meet requirements to be sold in markets. And if you decide to sell this defect product in market you will lose trust of consumers and it may be used by your competitors. The main objective of the proposed Checkweigher project is to enhance the detection probability of error occurrence. Then alert the user if there is a problem in the production line which will decrease time to discover it to solve it.

Montaser Dameri
Jaber Qalalwah
Mohammad Said
Huda Mansour
Electrical Engineering
Dr. Wael Salah
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